"Women are inherently strong"
- Hello, Ms. Aydan. - Hello. - Thank you for agreeing to this interview. I hope it will be a very interesting conversation. - Thank you as well. - I’d like to start with this question. If you remember, I shared a video about you on Allegoriya, where I mentioned that Aydan Nabizade depicts herself in her paintings. This is one of the most intriguing aspects of your work for me. Now, if we were to replace these visual depictions with words, how would Aydan Nabizade describe herself? - I am Aydan Nabizade. I graduated from the Azim Azimzade College and later from the Academy of Fine Arts, where I studied painting for 8 years. I’ve been drawing since I was five. As a child, I couldn’t imagine anything else — I was born to paint. I used to paint everywhere as a kid, so this wasn’t a profession I chose later in life; it’s something I was born with. If I had to describe myself in three words, they would be: independent, ambitious, and hardworking. - That’s wonderful. It’s truly inspiring to s...